People Writing Songs That Voice Never Share
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The fourth Album from October 2024.
People Writing Songs That Voice Never Share.
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About the songs
Walking Through
Written in early 2016, Looking back half an century. Gestmusician and Co-Producing: Max Kalda. Youtube-Video.
Written in 2017, found some lyrics by „William Algernon“ in the web, sit down and write it in half an Hour. Here a little bit more Disco. Co-Producing: Max Kalda. Youtube-Video.
Funny How
Written in 2017 and 2018, with help by Benjamin Peters. Like some peaces of lyrics from other bands and bring them together. Here a little more like 80’s, cause produced in 2023. Co-Producing: Max Kalda.
Songs in me
Written in 2015, write some nonsense Lyrics that makes Sense. Gestmusician: Verena Meyer, vocal. Co-Producing: Max Kalda. Youtube-Video with Shehab Fatoum.
Summer Vibes
Written in 2016 together with Robin Chucholek. His picking on Guitar was named Summer Vibes. Find a melody and the lyrics. Youtube-Video.
A Quarter after Six
Written in 2023, when I was down. And hate to go to teach at school.
Sun is mine
Written in 2014, Lyrics by Jörg Driesen. Modificated with Benjamin Peters in 2017. Youtube-Video.
Hedy Lamarr
Written in Januar 2023. On a trip to Wien, found out a lot of unbelievable things about „Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler“. It’s a must to write about her.
I Know
Written in 2016 with Robin Chucholek. Robin played the chords an the riff, I spent lyrics and melody. Youtube-Video.
Every Light is a soul
Written in 2016, based on memories of the 90’s. Youtube-Video.
First lyrics written in 1988 in Bochum. Finally end it in 2024. Gestmusician: Bernard Brozio, guitar.